
The Make Money Offerwall is hosted on the web, which makes it easy to integrate it into your website.

If you are looking to integrate the Make Money Offerwall into your website, either open the offerwall in a new tab (for example using the JavaScript command below) or show the offerwall in an iFrame.



Please replace {publisher_id} with the Publisher ID that was provided to you by the Make Money Team. Please replace {user_id} with a unique id for your current website user.


<iframe src="https://wall.make-money.top/?p={publisher_id}&u={user_id}"></iframe>

Please replace {publisher_id} with the Publisher ID that was provided to you by the Make Money Team. Please replace {user_id} with a unique id for your current website user.

Optional: SubID

In case, you need to track a SubID, you can append it as follows:


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