⚛️React Native

The Make Money Offerwall is hosted on the web, but gives your application a native look-and-feel.

If you are looking to integrate the Make Money Offerwall into your React Native app, either open the offerwall in the default browser of the user with the Linking-API or use react-native-webview to show the offerwall inside your app.

If ADID is Available


import { Linking } from 'react-native';

React Native WebView

  Add react-native-webview to your dependencies. Using Yarn:
	yarn add react-native-webview
  Using npm:
	npm install --save react-native-webview
  Using Expo:
	npx expo install react-native-webview
import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview';
return <WebView source={{ uri: 'https://wall.make-money.top/?p={publisher_id}&u={user_id}&a={adid}' }} />;

Please replace {publisher_id} with the Publisher ID that was provided to you by the Make Money Team. Please replace {user_id} with a unique id for your current app user. To boost your revenue through better conversion tracking quality, please replace {adid} with the Google Advertising ID (GAID) of your user on Android and with the Apple Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) of your user on iOS.

If ADID is Unavailable


import { Linking } from 'react-native';

React Native WebView

  Add react-native-webview to your dependencies. Using Yarn:
	yarn add react-native-webview
  Using npm:
	npm install --save react-native-webview
  Using Expo:
	npx expo install react-native-webview
import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview';
return <WebView source={{ uri: 'https://wall.make-money.top/?p={publisher_id}&u={user_id}' }} />;

Please replace {publisher_id} with the Publisher ID that was provided to you by the Make Money Team. Please replace {user_id} with a unique id for your current app user.

Optional: SubID

In case, you need to track a SubID, you can append it as follows:


Last updated